New content (SmartCard programming) has been added as of july, 2003.
I left unchanged the name of existing html pages to help come back
those people who bookmarked some topics.
Most visited topics:
Please check the top bar for sections of your interest, and the left side
menu (if present) for subjects to read about. I did my best to make things
documented and easily understandable. Eventually ask for clarifications.
All of the code and the explanation in these pages are original and have
been written by me (except differently noted). I do not claim that the code
is perfect neither you can assume the contents are true. Information provided
herein is derived from my understanding about how things do work.
I usually reply to emails asking for technical questions in few days (unless
I am out of office) at the email address provided below.
I want to thank all those sites that link to my web pages. This makes
it possible that people from avg 120 different IPs per day visit these
pages (may 2002, and the statistic is growing in june).
Thanks all for visiting these pages. Thanks to Jon F. Zahornacky for
his article about ASPI programming in Visual Basic. Thanks also to other programmers
that helped me fix some errors and omissions: Hans R. from Germany, Pierre
Leveille from California. Thanks to Fayez Mohamood for his article
about porting old applications from Sequoia to ASPI. Thanks to Marco Monzani
for his precious contribute to memory SmartCard programming.
I hope you will enjoy these pages and find them useful. Send e-mail for
requests, comments, suggestions, and corrections.